Saturday, March 26, 2011

Let's give this a try!

Kat - a foodie friend suggested that I start a blog, and she probably wasn't that serious, but I thought about it and decided to try, just to share my adventures.  I am by no means a great cook, nor do I make fancy things.  I just like to cook and I love to eat.

Thus, I will share my thought process, which includes changing what we're having for dinner constantly, and which involves lots of wandering around the store!  For example, the shrimp was on sale when I went to the store this past Thursday, and voila!  For dinner, we had buffalo shrimp and honey garlic shrimp.  It was originally supposed to be fish sticks.  It doesn't always turn out well (I don't post those on facebook, haha), but I keep trying.  I find recipes online, sometimes make it exactly to a tee, sometimes I substitute things or leave stuff out, and sometimes I make things up.

We'll give this blog a trial run.  Feedback is always great!  Thanks!


  1. Yay! This is like Julie & Julia or whatever that movie is called. Except not as restricted. Watching that movie made me want to blog again but I have nothing interesting to say. You should blog about failures too!

  2. Haven't seen it, but yes, I think I will blog about failures too on this one.

  3. I look forward to following your foodie travels.
